2025 Bradley beach VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE
General Info:
Cliff Avenue, Bradley Beach
9 week season + playoffs for top 8 teams
- Tuesdays: June 10 - August 12
- Thursdays: June 12 - August 21 (no matches June 19)
Playoffs for top 8 teams in each division:
- Tuesday: August 12
- Thursday: August 21 (may be adjusted based on 4th of July fireworks date)
Leagues are 18+
$300/2s team
Read the League FAQ for roster requirements, weather info, rules & more!
*There are no bye weeks this season. Add subs to your roster accordingly.*
Tuesdays: Men's (AA & A/B) & Women's 2s (AA/A)
Thursdays: Coed 2s (AA & A/B)
Important Dates:
Registration closes: June 5
- Divisions will be capped, so register early to save your spot!
Roster changes due: June 26 (email to info@greatamericanvolleyball.com)
*There are no bye weeks this season. Add subs to your roster accordingly.*
Tuesday Registration
Thursday Registration